I learned sustainable farming from my grandfather. He didn't use herbicides or pesticides and that's how we farm our vineyards.
We use sheep and goats to remove invasive weeds from our vineyards. Goats aren’t discerning about what they eat. Unlike sheep, goats will eat the vine's leaves and berries, while sheep tend to stick to the ground cover. Our sheep and goats are brought in late winter to clean the vine rows. Sheep alone are used in the summer to help leaf our vines so sunlight can ripen the fruit and to munch on vineyard weeds.
Cover crop is grown to feed the soil. We use a wide mix of different plants, some grow quickly while others take more time to produce organic material that is then folded back into the soil or is fed to our sheep. These systems are designed to stimulate the soil life, the life in which our vines are rooted in.
Farming Practices
"I learned sustainable farming from my grandfather. He didn't use herbicides or pesticides and that's how we farm our vineyards. We use sheep and goats to remove invasive weeds in late winter. Sheep alone are used in the summer to help leaf our vines so sunlight can ripen the fruit."
— Fred Cline

Pest Control
Pests come in all forms- but none are really truly pests, they are all indicators of the health of an ecosystem. The night owl and the day hawk are the predator of the gopher and mice and these predators maintain ecological control, just as the spiders swarm up on the grasses to the canopy of the vines feeding upon mites and leafhoppers.
The vine as all other organisms has a complete immunological system, if it's nutrition is in balance it will not be sick, and it will not get bugs. We rely on nature to control our pests with no use of harmful pesticides.
Our one weakness which we have yet succeeded in understanding is powdery mildew. We manage this with bi-weekly applications of naturally mined organic sulfur, free of contaminates.

Annually we compost and renew all of the the digestible organic waste and materials from our winery: 3000 tons of grape pomace, the prunings from our trees and vines, and much of our paper goods. We turn this "waste stream" into biological stimulant and food for our soils.
Some of this rough compost is further digested with the aid of worms and is biologically proliferated in a forced arobic tea brewer. This tea is introduced to vineyards through the irrigation system and carries the broad spectrum indigenous matter to our vine's soils.

We utilize new crushed volcanic cinder with it's wide spectrum of varied mineralogy on our vines, providing our vineyard soils with all the possible nutrients known to nature.
Currently we grind our own cinder, this rock is high in all the trace minerals which are necessary components to build fullness of character in our vines.

Cover Crops
Cover crop is grown to feed the soil. We use a wide mix of different plants, some grow quickly while others take more time to produce organic material that is then folded back into the soil or is fed to our sheep. These systems are designed to stimulate the soil life, the life in which our vines are rooted in.

Sun Power
Jacuzzi Family Vineyards went solar in 2005 to provide 100% of our annual electricity needs. This has improved air quality by reducing 690,000 lbs. of noxious greenhouse gases per year.
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Pest Control

Pests come in all forms- but none are really truly pests, they are all indicators of the health of an ecosystem. The night owl and the day hawk are the predator of the gopher and mice and these predators maintain ecological control, just as the spiders swarm up on the grasses to the canopy of the vines feeding upon mites and leafhoppers.
The vine as all other organisms has a complete immunological system, if it's nutrition is in balance it will not be sick, and it will not get bugs. We rely on nature to control our pests with no use of harmful pesticides.
Our one weakness which we have yet succeeded in understanding is powdery mildew. We manage this with bi-weekly applications of naturally mined organic sulfur, free of contaminates.

Annually we compost and renew all of the the digestible organic waste and materials from our winery: 3000 tons of grape pomace, the prunings from our trees and vines, and much of our paper goods. We turn this "waste stream" into biological stimulant and food for our soils.
Some of this rough compost is further digested with the aid of worms and is biologically proliferated in a forced arobic tea brewer. This tea is introduced to vineyards through the irrigation system and carries the broad spectrum indigenous matter to our vine's soils.

We utilize new crushed volcanic cinder with it's wide spectrum of varied mineralogy on our vines, providing our vineyard soils with all the possible nutrients known to nature.
Currently we grind our own cinder, this rock is high in all the trace minerals which are necessary components to build fullness of character in our vines.
Jacuzzi Family Vineyards went solar in 2005 to provide 100% of our annual electricity needs. This has improved air quality by reducing 690,000 lbs. of noxious greenhouse gases per year.